Friday, January 05, 2007

Sugar Paste Flowers

We're in our sugar section, which has mostly consisted of making things out of pastillage- a miserable substance that I hope never to touch after I graduate. We also got to have a lesson on how to make sugar paste flowers. We just did some basics- roses, tulips, and cala lilies, but I feel like I have a better grasp of how to make lifelike flowers than I did before.
The following are examples brought in to show us, not ones I made (I wish I could claim them as my own!)

Here are mine

Monday is our last day of pastry II, then we move right on into Pastry III, our last level.


Daniel Saravia said...

Thats GREAT! I love chef Ron! Hes the best... well, on the east coast at least.

Memoris of a Male Escort said...

I am also like Ron, a master sugar artist, the flowers you make are very nice! Keep doing them as often as you can you have a lot of potential!