Friday, February 02, 2007


Yes, we've been working with sugar this week... 320 degree, molten sugar, that we pull and blow and pour into beautiful (occasionally) shapes. It's hot, and it hurts, but it's fun, too, and really interesting. Here are some pictures of things I've done.

Blown sugar balls

It's just so pretty!


Blown/pulled apple

Ugly retro owl (poured). She was later decorated with pulled feathers, but didn't look any better with further decoration.

Pulled sugar bow

The end of the day, before a trip to the trash can.

I just think sugar is so beautiful. When it's in the process of being pulled it takes on this incredible shine, like nothing I've ever seen. It's really wonderful. On monday we're making showpieces based on famous pieces of art... any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a pastry student in Canada and I came across your blog while googling images for sugar showpieces. I just wanted to say that your stuff is absolutely lovely! I really like the sugar bow you pulled. I've never seen a student's bow look so smooth with such definition in the strands of colour. Good luck with everything.

shoughssi said...

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